STL Catholics

Defending The Faith, Saving Sacred Space

VIDEO: All Things New Summary Part 5: Must The Church endure Her own suffering and death?

No matter how frustrated we are, we must pray for our Archdiocesan leaders. We must will the good of the other whether we agree with them or not. They won’t be honest about what comes next after the sweeping changes implemented during All Things New. They won’t be honest about how they are destroying the Church even faster, and about how all of their alleged remedies and cures for declining priesthood and schools and parishes don’t improve the decline at all.

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We are defending priests and the priesthood, the faith and the faithful. We are living in crazy times when our own Archbishop and Vicars are attacking their brother priests and the laity in the parishes. We agree with Vicar Fr. Chris Martin: we need more saints. How do you become saints? By going along with…

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One response to “VIDEO: All Things New Summary Part 5: Must The Church endure Her own suffering and death?”

  1. Malachi Martin continues to be the harbinger who predicted the truth of reform. He read the Third Secret & then “jumped ship”. He died in 1999 & the Argentinian was “elected” so to speak in 2013. Both are Jesuits & the goal has always been to destroy the traditional Church which has been done & to create (all things new) a new one world Church with a worldwide mystical body of Christ. (AB Fulton J. Sheen)

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